2 May 2023
PT Indominco Mandiri (IMM) donated a speedboat to the Bontang Lestari sub-district to help to tackle cases of stunted growth (also known as stunting) in children. In addition, the speedboat is expe...
12 April 2023
Operates in Pelaihari District, Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan Province, PT Jorong Barutama Greston (JBG) put efforts to bring such a beneficial impact for the society as the realization of S...
23 March 2023
PT Trubaindo Coal Mining (TCM), a subsidiary of PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk. (ITM), handed over 3,644.61 ha of rehabilitated Watershed (DAS) land to the Director General of Watershed Mana...