Our mines, located in East, South, and Central Kalimantan, are administered by our subsidiaries, namely PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bharinto Ekatama, and PT Jorong Barutama Greston.
Other related mining subsidiaries include PT Kitadin is currently entering the mine closure phase, while PT Nusa Persada Resources, PT Graha Panca Karsa, and PT Tepian Indah Sukses are in the pre-production stage.
ITM produces thermal coal with calorific value until 7,300 kcal/kg with relatively low ash and sulfur content. Our coal is generally used for coal-fired power plants in both domestic and international markets.
We ensure that the products we hand over to our customers have gone through quality control that meets the conditions and specifications based on our customer requests. We have laboratories to ensure that the product quality is maintained from the pit to delivery.
Mining Location

Sales Destination Country
Our logistics facilities based in Balikpapan manage third parties’ fleets and service 30 barges, either self-powered barges or the ones pulled up by tugs.
Barge Facilities
ITM owns and operates barge port facilities in Trubaindo and Jorong areas as well as Kitadin Embalut. The barge loader at Bunyut Port can load up to 2,000 tons per hour or at least 7 million tons per annum. The barge loader in Jorong can load up to 1200 tons per hour or 3.5 million tons per year, while the one in Embalut can upload up to 800 tons per hour or 2.5 million tons per year.
Bontang Coal Terminal
Bontang Coal Terminal is in the Indominco operational area. This facility is used for coal stockpiling, blending, and loading. The terminal can deal with 650,000 tons of coal.
Operating for 24 hours, the terminal is supported by a smart dock system and harbor berthing tug, making it able to serve ships up to 95,000 tons of dead weight and load 18.5 million tons of coal per annum.
To ensure that the quality and specifications of our products meet customers’ requirements, on a regular basis, we test our coal quality with various parameters such as proximate analysis, moisture test, total sulfur test, calorific value test, and relative density test. All laboratories meet international standards.